Affordable Housing Advisory Committee
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Members of the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee include:
Paul Kuhl has been a resident of the City for 41 years. He has been a member of the City of Lambertville Planning Board for over 30 years, and currently serves as the Chairman of the Board. He is a retired CPA and formerly served as the CFO of a company that manufactured modular homes and did real estate development using modular homes for several years.
Brian Kelly is currently the Principal of P2B Strategies LLC, a policy, government affairs and business development consulting practice. He has 25 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, comprising senior-level public policy, public affairs, and market access leadership roles in several multi-national pharma companies. His experience includes not-for-profit and public service roles at every level of government, including local elected office in Chesterfield Township. He now serves on the Lambertville Zoning Board of Adjustment. He and his spouse, Debbie, live on South Main Street.
Dave Minno is Past-President of MINNO & WASKO Architects and Planners. As a founding partner, Mr. Minno specialized in private sector, large mixed-use redevelopment including TOD’s and projects that have significant residential components. Dave has his Master of Architecture degree from the University of Pennsylvania and a Master’s of Business Administration from the Wharton School. He is active in many professional groups, including the Urban Land Institute and The Congress for New Urbanism. He has volunteered his professional services to Habitat for Humanity and Fisherman’s Mark.
Julia Taylor is a city planner by training who has worked on housing and redevelopment in Trenton for 16 years. She's currently developing a museum focused on graffiti and street art in downtown Trenton. Julia previously served on the Environmental Commission and on City Council, and is a member of the Resilience Committee.
Sean Goodwin grew up in Lambertville and graduated from SHRHS. He’s also a graduate from The College of New Jersey. Sean recently finished Peace Corps service in Cambodia, on a campaign which focused on helping design and manage community projects with a focus on sustainability.
Paul Stevens has been a Lambertvillian since 2011. As a corporate research scientist for over thirty years, he has extensive experience working in teams to develop practical, creative solutions for difficult challenges. In retirement, Paul is well-known to the City for his engagement in the community through his active participation at Council meetings, as a member of Lambertville CERT, and as a sound-man for a number of local bands.
Michelle Harris is a 12-year resident of Lambertville with a home, consulting business, long-term apartment rentals, and two crazy canines - Violet and Bodhi - all in the CBD. Michelle’s firm, Alchemy Park LLC, provides humanitarian services focused on reviving infrastructure following catastrophic events including natural disasters and civil conflict. Michelle supports Habitat for Humanity’s motto “Everyone Deserves a Decent Place to Live” through her work as an international build volunteer. She looks forward to continuing this focus closer to home as we work to address Lambertville’s affordable housing needs.
Councilman Evan Lide
Municipal Housing Liason Cynthia Ege
Mayor Andrew Nowick
Kelly Grant
Elaine Clisham
Meeting Schedule
The Affordable Housing Advisory Committee meets twice monthly, on the second Monday and fourth Wednesday of the month.
Meetings are held in person at the Phillip L Pittore Justice Center (25 S Union Street), and are open to public attendance. The meetings are streamed live via Zoom and the public is welcome to attend online. After the meetings, the video recordings, meeting minutes and other documents are available online.