M, W, Th: 9-4:30
Tuesday: 9-7:30
Friday: 9-12:30



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The Committee meets on an as-needed basis.

Broadband, Cable and Telephone Services Advisory Committee

The Cable Television Advisory Committee oversees the franchise renewal process for cable television providers that wish to serve the City and its residents. The Committee monitors compliance with franchise agreements, assists the Mayor and City Council to adjudicate any difference on cable television issues.

The Committee consists of five residents appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council. The members serve five-year terms.

Below is an excerpt of the ordinance (Ord. No. 2010-05 §15). For the complete ordinance click Coded Systems and type “cable advisory” into the “Quick Search” box.



a.     The Company will provide one channel for governmental access use (sometimes, hereinafter, the "Governmental Access Channel"). Governmental access programming shall be provided by the governing bodies of the City of Lambertville, West Amwell Township, the Borough of Stockton, and Delaware Township (hereinafter, collectively, the "Municipalities"). Unused capacity may be utilized by the Company subject to the provisions for "fallow time" below. Comcast shall activate the government channel within six (6) months of a written request by the Municipality. The request for activation shall not occur prior to receipt of the Certificate of Approval from the NJ Board of Public Utilities.

             The Company shall construct a dedicated fiber optic return line to the City Municipal Building at 18 York Street in Lambertville and the Justice Center, 25 South Union Street, Lambertville for cable casting live and/or recorded programming on the Government access channel. The Company will also provide a switching device for use by the Municipality to change broadcast location between the York Street and Union Street locations during emergencies. The Company will not be responsible for providing or for the maintenance of any studio equipment used for the access channel, including but not limited to cameras, editing decks, monitors, character generators, etc.

To continue reading, visit Coded Systems and type “cable advisory” into the “Quick Search” box.