Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
Role of CERTs in an Emergency
CERTS have been used to:
- Search for lost or kidnapped children
- Staff Emergency Operations Centers and monitor events
- Emergency Operations Center security; driving, information, assisting disabled visitors and minor first aid
- Manage “spontaneous/convergent” volunteers
- Assist Red Cross and other relief organizations on mass care
20 hours of CERT Training Will Teach Participants to:
Describe the types of hazards most likely to affect their homes and communities.
Describe the function of CERT and their roles in immediate response.
Take steps to prepare themselves for disaster. Identify and reduce potential fire hazards in their homes and workplaces.
Work as a team to apply basic fire suppression strategies, resources, and safety measures to extinguish a burning liquid.
Apply techniques for opening airways, controlling bleeding, and treating shock. Conduct triage under simulated conditions.
Perform head-to-toe assessments Select and set up a treatment area. Employ basic treatments for various wounds.
Identify planning and size-up requirements for potential search and rescue situations.
Describe the most common techniques for searching a structure. Use safe techniques for debris removal and victim extrication. Describe ways to protect rescuers during search and rescue.
For an application or questions, please contact the Office of Emergency Management at